"At the end of the game, the king & the pawn go back in the same box."

Pawn Universe

Pawn: A Creative Engine, Curious About Whatever's Clever



We are a Sydney-based creative engine, currently making whatever we want.

Our endgame, however, with your help, is to re-define what it means to be a Pawn.

The vision will forever incorporate qualities of development, integrity, and creative collaboration. We pull inspiration from everywhere, and will continue to display this through our Instagram profile as well as all future projects.

A universe is a particular sphere of activity or experience.

This is Pawn’s.


The Pawn may be the smallest piece on a chessboard, yet it represents a hell of a lot more.

The piece does not wish to rule as a king does. On the contrary, it takes pride in always playing a pivotal role in something greater than itself. The Pawn is the little guy; the underdog. The Pawn has a humble attitude and progresses honestly. It makes the first move in any worthy challenge, and one calculated move at a time thereafter.

The Pawn also recognises strength in numbers, knowing others who resemble itself, all of them standing together with the same mentality. And yes… they can be taken out of the game quickly.

But don’t get it twisted.

Pawns are fuelled by two mentalities. They are also powered by persistence. Although the pieces are small and expendable, they each have the intention of reaching the other end of the chessboard. And when they do, they are promoted to greater, stronger, more versatile and inspiring pieces. They evolve.

As in the game of life, pushing forward and overcoming hardships will consistently make us better.


“At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.”
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